Programme Description :
Why take Biology at NCEA level 3?
Ko te rangahau o te koiora e hono ana ki a tatou ki te ao e noho nei taatau, he whakamahara mai hoki i to taatau honohono me etahi atu momo ora. Ka whanakehia te maarama ki te hiranga o nga momo kararehe motuhake o Aotearoa me nga tipu me nga rauropi motuhake.
The study of biology connects us to the world we are living in and reminds us of our interconnectedness with all other life forms. It develops awareness of the significance of New Zealand's unique fauna and flora and distinctive ecosystems.
Biologists and students studying Biology seek evidence to explain the nature of living things, and to understand where and how life is evolving, how evolution links life processes and ecology, and the impact that humans have on all forms of life. As a result, they are able to make more informed decisions about significant biological issues.
This level 3 course builds on the skills and foundations of level 2 learning and applies them to complex applications. Level 3 Biology leads to the following careers – any medical career, animal behaviour scientist, animal welfare officer, biochemist, biotechnologist, cheese production supervisor, conservation biologist, environmental analyst, environmental ecologist, DoC or MAF officer, forestry technician, genetics technician, marine biologist, , nursery grower, plant pathologist, plant physiologist, quarantine officer, research manager, secondary school science teacher, veterinarian, zoologist.
Learning Outcomes/Contexts:
This Level 3 Biology course explores a combined biology and health socio-scientific issue involving biology systems and health concepts, homeostatic systems and their relationships to exercise, and carry out a biology investigation around sea level rise and the salinization of cropland. Towards the end of the course we do the external work around human evolution and the evolution/speciation of predominantly New Zealand species.
Skills and Capabilities:
Employers value the kinds of skills that studying biology develops: the ability to grasp things quickly, reading and writing, focused solution finding in the real world, plus problem solving, analytical, mathematical, and IT skills.
So students entering the course with confidence in mathematical, logical thinking and good reading and writing skills will be in a space where these skills are developed and are used.
Cross Curriculum Links:
Statistics, Chemistry, Physical Education and Outdoor Education.
Successful Biology students:
Biologists are able to use their understanding of how scientific argument is conducted, enabling them to participate in informed debate on socio-scientific issues relevant to them and their community. Students learn to make more informed decisions about their own health and about significant biological issues such as genetically modified crops, the use of antibiotics, and the eradication of invasive species. Biology helps students to recognise the importance of agriculture and horticulture for New Zealand, and, potentially, to contribute to its future.
Biologists help New Zealand maintain its position as a leading breeder of new varieties and more efficient/productive plants and animals. Biologists contribute to medical and biotechnological advances.
Without successful biological understanding there would be no advances in health care, environmental conservation, agriculture and horticulture.
Assessment Opportunities:
The normal course consists of a range of internals, all of which learning can be presented in formats students prefer. Usually this consists of 3 internal assessments and two external assessments. Level 3 - 18 biology credits (16 UE literacy credits)
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