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  • Mathematics
  • Statistics
  • Algebraic Methods
  • Calculus


Mathematics General - NCEA Level 1

Programme Description :

This is a course designed to build mathematical confidence and mathematical thinking in problem solving in Mathematics with some statistics and will give options into future senior courses.

Learning Outcomes /Content:

Students will learn how to use the Statistical enquiry cycle to manipulate and explore data in local real world contexts. This will include collecting and presenting data, analysing the data, justifying any observations and drawing conclusions around problems associated with the data. Evidence for this Standard will be presented as a written, aural or visual report. Students will have the opportunity to explore real world problems using a context that is of interest to them.

Students will also learn how to use the basics of right-angled triangle calculations, including Pythagoras and trigonometry, and combine these with number and measurement investigations. These investigations will be based around using percentages, GST and currency, Area, volume, capacity and applied rates within travel, financial, event organisation, construction or vehicle contexts. Students will also learn how to provide justifications for any mathematical decisions they make whilst conducting the investigations.

These learning opportunities may also include students engaging in learning across the curriculum areas at MBAS.

Skills and Capabilities:

Mathematical skills are needed in every aspect of life, often in unexpected ways, mathematicians are problem solvers and these are skills that are genuinely desired by employers. Students entering the course will gain confidence in applying mathematical skills, problem solving and communication and will be in a space where these skills are developed and are used.

Possibly links to:

BCAT’s, Engineering, Business Studies, Tourism, Health and PE.

Possibly leads to :

L2 Statistics and Probability Methods


Two Internal assessments during term 1,2 and possibly 3, both will be based around enquiry and project based learning, one is based around a statistical context and the other will be based around more general mathematics, both will focus on solving problems in real world contexts. Students will have the option to sit an external examination if they have completed the two internal standards and feel that they wish to continue in Mathematics in year 12. Students will also have the opportunity to complete the Numeracy Unit Standards if they have not already gained this corequisite.

Algebraic Methods - NCEA Level 1

Programme Description:

This Mathematics course is for students who enjoy “algebra” and are looking to build strong algebraic manipulation, equation, modeling and communication skills! This course is for students who wish to progress to senior Calculus.

Learning Outcomes/Content:

The course is designed to challenge students to develop key algebraic manipulation skills that are foundational to all senior calculus and algebra courses. You will develop good reasoning skills so you can justify with confidence why you think an approach might be the one to use to solve a problem.

Students will learn to apply both Trigonometry and Linear Algebra skills in a range of practical situations and to justify their choice of methods to solve Mathematical problems. Students will also learn to interpret mathematical and statistical information from a range of sources, including infographics, displays and media articles, and then to present a report that links their findings back to a real world context. Finally students will work with a number of advanced mathematical concepts from the Algebra, Number and Geometry strands including algebraic manipulation, optimisation, simultaneous equations, rates of change, 3D trigonometry, quadratics, surface areas and volumes and how to utalise these to solve problems in practical contexts with justification of their methods.

Skills and Capabilities:

Mathematical skills are needed in every aspect of life, often in unexpected ways, mathematicians are problem solvers and these are skills that are genuinely desired by employers. Students entering this course will gain confidence in applying Algebraic skills, solving problems and communicating solutions in a logical series of steps. Students will be in a space where hard work is expected and valued and that the aforementioned skills are developed and used.

Possibly Links to:

Engineering, Physics, Architectural Technology, Art, Photography and Design fields, all Science fields.

Possibly leads to:

any senior Mathematics courses.


One Internal Achievement Standard will be assessed during term 1, this will have a focus on Trigonometry and Measurement. During terms 2 and 3 preparation for 2 externally assessed Achievement Standards will be undertaken one will involve preparing a report for a given mathematical or statistical situation and the other will involve solving problems using mathematics for given theoretical situations. These problems will be drawn from a variety of areas of the mathematical curriculum at level 6. This course will not offer an opportunity to gain the Numeracy corequisite.


Mathematics - NCEA Level 2

Programme Description:

This course is Statistics based and includes some mathematics, it is designed to give students an overview of Mathematics and Statistics at Level 2.

Learning Outcomes /Content:

Students will be looking at a statistical comparative investigation. This involves gathering data, research, computers, statistical graphs, and learning how to write statistical reports. Students will be investigating chance and probability and how to utalise these to solve problems Thirdly students will be working on aspects of mathematics that includes some algebra, some trigonometry and some graphing.

Skills and Capabilities:

Researching, reading and writing which is at the heart of statistics stuff. How chance and probability affects day to day life There will be new skills to learn in algebra and trigonometry Ability to try and try again, persevere when things don’t work how you think they should!

Possibly Links to:

Design and Visual Communication, Art, Photography, Design, Psychology.

Possibly leads to:

Actually not designed to lead to senior courses but maybe Statistics and Probability Distributions and/or Earth and Space Science and Statistics, Environmental Science.


All internal assessments – any external assessment would need to be negotiated early in term 3.

Calculus & Algebraic Methods - NCEA Level 2 & 3

Programme Description:

The focus of this course is to build on Algebraic, Trigonometric and graphing knowledge gained in year 11. It also introduces a new topic, Calculus.

Learning Outcomes/Contexts:

Students will develop more in depth understandings of Algebraic processes and how to use these in solving problems you will also develop a more in depth understanding of Trigonometry with new and extended concepts explored. We will be examining how complex Trigonometric concepts can be explored in practical situations.

Students will also be undertaking more complex Graphical representations including the introduction of cubics, hyperbola and functions. The new topic of Calculus will also be introduced, this will examine rates of change in functions and how these are applied to solve problems.

Skills and Capabilities:

This course introduces students to many new concepts and requires them to persevere and work outside of the class environment to ensure that these new concepts are understood and become imbedded.

Possibly Links to:

Physics, Chemistry, Design and Visual Communication, Art, Photography, Design.

Possibly Leads to:

Calculus L3, Statistics L3.

Assessment Opportunities:

Internally assessed Achievement standards for Trigonometry and graphing and external examinations for Algebra and Calculus. If time allows a level 3 internal assessment may be offered.

Statistics & Probability Methods - NCEA Level 2

Programme Description:

This course is focussed on developing statistical thinking and statistical literacy through a combination of student investigations and theoretical learning in statistics and probability.

Learning Outcomes/Contexts:

Students will use their time to research, collect data, and develop the statistical literacy and analysis skills required when dealing with measured and experimental data. Students will be encouraged to consider and use real-world/local issues as the basis for their statistical investigations. You will also develop an understanding of the Normal Probability Distribution, how we assess risk and use this to solve problems.

Skills and Capabilities:

  • Finding and reading lots of online articles and other research reports on the issue or topic of each of your investigations to make sure you know what you are reporting on!
  • Use of NZgrapher technology and how to interpret the different statistical graphs and key statistics.
  • Develop higher levels of written literacy, statistical literacy and be willing to write lots using formal language.
  • Referencing of research sources using University recognised APA referencing system.
  • Proofreading and respectful critique of others reports/statements.
  • Ability to question the numbers, critically evaluate what might be missing!

Possibly Links to:

Social Sciences including Tourism, Physical and Environmental Sciences, Health and Nutrition, Psychology, Industry.

Possibly Leads to:

Tertiary education pathways in subject areas requiring Statistics; Careers in Commerce, Sciences and Industry. L3 Statistics and Probability Distributions.

Assessment Opportunities:

Internal assessments will include practical research and writing of individual statistical reports or presentations that showcase your findings, as well as an external assessment opportunity in probability methods.


Calculus - NCEA Level 3

Programme Description :

This course is designed for students who love all things algebra and/or who are intending to study Architecture, Engineering, Chemistry, Physics or Computing at tertiary level.

Learning Outcomes /Content:

  • Build on the basics of trigonometry and the use of trig functions to model situations in the world.
  • More differentiation rules.
  • Serious extension of rates of change and working out the rate of change from other rates of change.
  • But….. in many situations you know the rate at which things change and need to know how it started. So we integrate.
  • Have some fun designing and working out areas underneath and between curves, aka Integrating.

Skills and Capabilities:

  • Coping with continuous and fast presentation of new ideas.
  • Being able to think – ‘what have we done before that might be useful here?’
  • A resilience to try different algebraic ideas in the solution of a problem.
  • Working collaboratively, being prepared to reason and /or justify your ideas/ways of finding a solution.
  • Practising questions and more questions.

Possibly links to:

Statistics – finding a rate of change, Physics, Chemistry.

Possibly leads to :

Automatic entry requirements for University Engineering courses, Architecture, Mathematics, Computing, Physics, Chemistry degrees. Gaining UE approved Mathematics as one of your 3 University approved subjects.

Assessment Opportunities:

Written/digital internal trig assessment plus 2 big externals.

Statistics & Probability - NCEA Level 3

Programme Description :

This course is focused on deepening statistical thinking and statistical literacy through a combination of student investigations and theoretical learning with optional cross-curricular investigations in Biology or other areas of study.

Learning Outcomes /Content:

This course is recommended for students who are keen to research and look at data on key issues we have within the world today. Data collection in connection with experiments or investigations in Biology, Environmental Sciences, Physical Education, Psychology or other subjects may offer the opportunity to connect their statistics with these other learning areas.

Skills and Capabilities:

  • Presentation of a formal statistics report or article.
  • Finding and reading online articles and other research reports of the issue or topic of each investigation.
  • Use of NZgrapher technology and the interpretation of different statistical graphs and key statistics.
  • A high level of written literacy, statistical literacy and a willingness to write.
  • Referencing research sources appropriately.
  • Proofreading and respectful critique of others reports.
  • Ability to question the numbers, critically evaluate what might be missing!

Possibly links to:

Social Sciences including Tourism, Physical and Environmental Sciences, Health and Nutrition, Psychology.

Possibly leads to :

Tertiary education pathways in subject areas requiring Statistics; Careers in Commerce, Sciences and Industry. UE approved Mathematics.

Assessment Opportunities: Internal assessments require research and the presentation of statistical findings within either a formal report/ power point/ seminar presentation/ lecture etc. The external assessment is on probability distributions.


Congratulations to our 2024 winners Buffalo!!

Buffalo 3977 points


Tainui 3332 points


Mercury 3530 points


Matahaorua 3704 points
