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Welcome to the Middle Years!

Our vision in the Middle Years is to create learning environments and experiences which will foster the development of confident, connected, actively involved citizens who can think for themselves through thinking with others.

Our learning programmes provide opportunities for our students to explore the four future-focused principles of sustainability, enterprise, globalisation, and citizenship.

We strive to develop quality relationships through culturally responsive practice (CRRP) so our students have equitable opportunities and outcomes. Our learning programmes provide contexts for students to make connections from their prior knowledge and cultural experiences to new learning and understanding.

Middle Years Dispositions

Mana whenua

  • Belonging
  • Taking an interest
  • Participating

Mana atua

  • Well-being
  • Being involved
  • Managing self

Mana aotūroa

  • Exploration
  • Persisting
  • Thinking

Mana reo

  • Communication
  • Expressing ideas
  • Using language, symbols & text

Mana tangata

  • Contribution
  • Taking responsibility
  • Relating to others

Learning in the Middle Years

Learning Across the Curriculum

Students in the middle years are encouraged to make connections across curriculum areas when exploring problems, projects, experiences, themes or issues.

Flexible Learning Spaces

In the middle years, there are purpose-built flexible learning spaces. The physical buildings accommodate single cell and open plan learning environments that cater for a wide range and specialist and integrated learning. Our online platforms and BYOD allow for access to learning anywhere, anytime.

High Expectations

When students believe they are capable learners and have high expectations for themselves they are more likely to achieve success.
Year 7 & 8

In years 7 and 8, the focus is on building independence, ownership of learning, and an understanding of identity and personal learning dispositions.

Academically, there is a strong focus on the continued development of literacy and numeracy skills through programmes designed with students to help them move forward from where they are and learning is often integrated (involving more than one curriculum area). Along with the CRRP Principles, there are three core considerations in all learning - experiential learning, intellectual engagement and making connections.

Year 7 and 8 students engage in a 3-4 day camp every second year. Students also have the opportunity be involved in community projects such as kauri planting, trapline maintenance and citizen science projects. Students are encouraged to challenge themselves and step outside their comfort zone.








