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Ngā Tangata

Te Ao Māori Curriculum

Te Ao and Te Reo Māori

Our Te Kura a Rohe o Te Whanganui a Hei, Te Ao Māori classes are a unique and special place.

Evidence of integration and balance between education and culture is reflected in both our curriculum and delivery. It is a place where students are challenged to be the best they can be. Students are confident, proud and are upskilled in the hope that they can inspire and guide others. Excellence is a normalised expectation for students within our Te Ao Māori class.

The vision of our Te Ao Māori classes and Māori advancement is part of our wider communities. Our values underpin the curriculum to uphold our commitment to our students’ success in all areas. High expectations and accomplishment enhance the notions of potential and self-belief.  Our students are encouraged to become inspiring role models and positive ambassadors for our whānau and kura.

Our website captures our achievements, challenges and celebrations as Māori in our kura. It highlights how extraordinary our tamariki are when given the space to find success as Māori. We hope our website will inspire others and continue to path the way for us to Whāia te iti kahurangi! – strive for something of great value!

Whāia te iti kahurangi!
Strive for something of great value!

This comes from the whakataukī: Whāia te iti kahurangi, ki te tuohu koe, me he maunga teitei, which means Seek the treasure that you value most dearly, if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain.

This whakataukī is about perseverance and endurance. Refusing to let obstacles get in your way while striving to reach your goals

Nā Marcus Oxenham
HOD Te Reo/Ao Māori Department


Congratulations to our 2024 winners Buffalo!!

Buffalo 3977 points


Tainui 3332 points


Mercury 3530 points


Matahaorua 3704 points
