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International Students

We offer you the chance to study in paradise and explore New Zealand.

International Student Information

Whether you want to achieve academic success, improve your English language skills or learn to scuba dive and kayak in the Pacific Ocean, Mercury Bay offers it all.

International Students become an integral part of our school community, participating in full academic, sporting and cultural programmes.

English Language

International Students will have their level of English assessed prior to enrolment. Course and class placement are conditional on English proficiency. This could be after school or holiday English classes at a local language school funded by the student. Entry into senior school must be at least intermediate level.

ELA (English Language) classes will be provided, dependent on numbers, for senior students.

Pastoral Care

We operate excellent support systems for all our students. We have an extensive pastoral care system based around our learning coaches, deans, counsellor and our International Student Director.


Quality homestay accommodation is offered within Mercury Bay for International Students. Flatting is not permitted.

School Year

School hours and terms for Area Schools are generally the same as for Secondary Schools.

Year 11, 12 and 13 students will finish classes before the end of Term 4 and go on Exam Study Leave. International students not taking examinations will take part in an exciting International Activities Programme. 

Code of Practice

Mercury Bay Area School is a signatory to the "Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students" published by the NZQA. All procedures relating to the enrolment of International Students are carried out in accordance with the Code. Copies of the Code are available on request from MBAS or from the New Zealand NZQA website

International Student Fees

The cost of study, programmes and living expenses at Mercury Bay Area School.

We are fully booked for 2024, places still available for 2025 and 2026.

Popular International Student Courses

scuba diving class

Marine Academy

Learn to dive with professional training and explore underwater NZ as part of your school education.


  • Open Water Diver
  • Advanced Open Water Diver
  • Rescue Diver
  • NCEA credits
kayak class

Outdoor Education

Take adventure as a subject! Gain physical and technical skills with NCEA credits.


  • Ocean Kayaking
  • Bush Craft
  • Mountain Biking
  • Surfing
  • Outdoor Survival
  • Rock Climbing
horse riding class

Equine Studies

For the student who loves everything about horses. Gain skills in animal welfare, riding and management.

Standards & Assessments

  • Equine standards in conjunction with a specialised Equine tutor.
  • Industry based practical and theory assessments.

International Student Experiences

Who wouldn't want to study in our stunning environment? Mercury Bay Area School welcomes international students from around the world to participate in the life of the school and to enjoy our unique learning programmes. 

Enrolment Procedures for International Students

  1. Complete the application form.
  2. Provide the documents listed.
  3. The written statement should be a statement by the student about him/herself, his/her interests and hobbies.
  4. Upon receipt of the application, we evaluate the application and send an offer of place along with an invoice.
  5. When the invoice is paid, we send a Confirmation of Place letter and a receipt. You need these two documents to apply to the nearest New Zealand Embassy for a student visa.
  6. The visa application form is generally on the website of the Embassy. 
  7. Students are provided with a full orientation programme on arrival.
    For more information about becoming a international student at Mercury Bay Area School, please contact the International Director.








